David Daniel
Lowman was a career intelligence officer for the National Security Agency,
retiring as Special Assistant to the Director. During his service he received
numerous commendations and honors including the Exceptional Civilian Service
Medal, NSAs highest award.
A native
of Washington state, he served with the Army in the South Pacific during
World War II. After the war he attended Stanford University where he met
his future wife, Eleanor. After graduation they married and moved to Washington
D.C. where he joined the National Security Agency and studied for a doctor
of jurisprudence from George Washington University. She joined the CIA
while getting a masters degree in Russian history.
During his
service with NSA David Lowman rose rapidly through the ranks fielding
a wide variety of assignments as a linguist, educator, negotiator, lecturer,
and liason with U.S. business, Congress and foreign officials and diplomats.
After retirement
from NSA he served as a consultant on the declassification of World War
II intelligence documents. He testified as an expert witness on this subject
four times before congressional committees and federal courts. He was
a popular speaker and writer on the subject of signal intelligence and
its role in the Pacific War.