Evacuation of Japanese residents from the West Coast during WW II was a tragic event. It was not, however, the racist, illegal and brutal event portrayed by the Smithsonian exhibition. There were sound security reasons for the evacuation as claimed by the president and his top officials at the time and later. All Americans, whether they supported the action or not, have felt regret for the evacuation even though it was seen, at the time, as necessary because of Imperial Japanís activities in our country.

The museumís one-sided and exaggerated presentation of history, which is as distorted by omission in one aspect as it is inaccurate in detail in another, funded in part by an enemy war criminal, Ryoichi Sasakawa (Appendix 15, Exhibit photo), is an affront to the people of the United States and to Japanese Americans who need no embellishments of their sterling record as Americans.


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